Nathaniel Harrington

My name is Nathaniel LeRoy Harrington. I am a Midwest based Action Sports Photographer, specializing in snowboard, skate, and surf photography. 

I work with Bald-e-gal Productions. 
The FL Project. 
The Youth Shelter Supply. 
Corduroy Lifestyles. 

I also work with Walking on Water and Soul Surfing Camps as a non-profit surf instructor. Teaching children to surf, skate, or snowboard is the most fun way to spend a day. Passing on things we've learned to generations to come. Giving my time to see a child smile is priceless, worth way more than a photograph, so even though I claim that I am a professional photographer, it really means nothing to me. 

I am a Christian, and would like to organize Christian out-reaches through boardsports. I want to change as many lives as I can, getting kids off the internet and out in the wide open air. Learn skills for life, learn about God, so they can also pass those things on, and live a life more fulfilling than anything we could ever Ask or Imagine. 

I'm not trying to pass on religion, but solid beliefs in something very real. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. He is the One and only King of this world and the Universe which we know so little about. 

John 3:16 - For God so loved this world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believes in Him should not parish, but have everlasting life. 

Where are you going when you die? What happens when life goes wrong? Are you confident that you know the truth about life? I believe in the Bible, that it is God's perfect written out will for our lives. Since He is our creator He has the right to say what is good and what is wrong. No matter how many feelings may be hurt, how many toes may be stepped on, the line of right and wrong has been drawn out by THE CREATOR and we cannot change it with our liberal thinking. Living by the Book is not a religion or a crazy way to live. The truths that the Bible holds are undisputed truths, no one has ever proved the Bible wrong, nor will they ever, because they cannot. There are many beliefs and religions in this world today, many paths to follow, each has it's way of making people feel good or wanted, but none can breach the gap from an eternal life spent burning in the lake of fire.
Each day I feel like Christianity is hated more and more, again only proving that the Scriptures are correct and that God's punishment talked about in Revelations will come to pass. The lake of fire(hell) is a very real place and God's judgement for our sins will happen. Where you stand, or how much you might disagree with me, does not change the fact that when we die we either go to heaven or to hell. Again, are you confident that you know the truth? Enough to bet eternal pain and suffering for it? 

I would love to talk to you if are left curious about are afterlife.

God gave me a gift to shoot photos, I'm passing the joy I receive from shooting to you also to enjoy. 
So please, enjoy my photography, even more importantly, enjoy the life you were given to live. 




  1. I love this Nate and will continue praying for God's blessing upon this ministry. I want a picture and will purchase one after the new year and we're settled in a house. This will be for you to use in whatever way the Lord leads. Thanks for all you have done for Tatum. You're an amazing friend. Miss you!

  2. :) thank you Kim!!! I miss you guys.
