Thursday, December 1, 2011

Support! Support!

Alright everyone! Outreach is only 4 weeks away! Can you believe it!! Im so excited and God is providing heaps for me and my team, but I still am short about $2,000 of my outreach funds. This is where I am asking for your help. If you look at any of these photos and feel led to buy one, I would really encourage you to do so. These photos are amazing and Nathaniel is taking a step of faith and allowing God to use His photos for God's glory. What better way to encourage and support us both in this than to buy something so beautiful. Anyways, we only desire your support if God is placing it on your heart to. If you don't feel led or are just unable to, please know that your prayers are more than enough! Love you all and thank you in advance for supporting us and helping me and Nathaniel to further the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.

Much love!

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